"Don't spend all of your time trying to find yourself. Spend your time creating yourself into a person that you'll be proud of." – Sonya Parker

Ciao. My name is Kirstin and I am a CYT-200, or yoga teacher, in Southern Italy. Over the last five years, I have traveled many roads in attempts to find myself. You may have known me as a marketing director. As the go-to resume girl. As a theater enthusiast. As your mom’s tech support. As a postpartum mental health care advocate and writer.

For the last two and a half years, I have primarily been “mama” a job I cherish yet still struggle to come to terms with some days. In an attempt to recenter focus on myself as an individual, not only a mom or partner, I am adding “yoga teacher” to my never ending list of titles as I chase the ever elusive answer to the age old question, “what do I want to be when I grow up?”

Welcome to the space where mindful movement meets compassionate guidance.

As a certified yoga teacher (CYT-200), I bring a unique blend of passion, authenticity, and a deep commitment to your well-being. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a beginner, join me on a transformative journey to explore the art of yoga.

  • Experience personalized yoga classes designed to meet your individual needs and goals. From nurturing beginners to challenging the seasoned practitioners, each session is crafted with care.

  • Embrace a holistic perspective on wellness as we integrate breath, movement, and mindfulness. Together, we'll not only enhance physical strength but also cultivate mental clarity and emotional balance.

  • Step into a supportive and inclusive space where everyone, regardless of experience, background, or body type, is invited to explore the benefits of yoga with a practice guided by body affirming and inclusive language.

So where does that leave us?

You can always find me here, for any of the many jobs I listed above, plus about a thousand other. Need help with a website? I’m your girl. Struggling postpartum and need support? Shoot me a message. Want to join classes as I dive into teaching yoga? I’m here and ready to welcome you on the mat.

With love,